Pervasive Intelligence and Pervasive Learning: The Engine of Intelligent Revolution and Intelligent Economy
1)机器学习从云端走向各类本地智能终端/传感器/设备,云端机器学习(比如深度学习等方法)和本地机器自主学习(比如超限学习机,Extreme Learning Machines (ELM) 等方法)有机融合;
The many advantages of cloud computing architecture are increasingly attracting individuals and organizations to outsource their data from local to remote cloud servers. It is a clear trend that cloud data outsourcing is becoming a pervasive service. Along with the widespread enthusiasm on cloud computing, however, concerns on data reliability, security and privacy with cloud data storage are arising. For protecting data privacy, sensitive data has to be encrypted before outsourcing, which obsoletes traditional data utilization based on plaintext keyword search. Thus, enabling an encrypted cloud data search service is of paramount importance.
This talk will first give an overview on data outsourcing in cloud computing, and then discuss challenges and corresponding solutions of reliability, security and privacy which raise as primary obstacles to the adoption of cloud computing. At last, it will present latest research on generic computation outsourcing in cloud computing.
a.Security and reliability issues
b.Reliable storage: network coding vs fountain codes
c.Bilinear map based public integrity verification
a.Privacy issues (data, index, search)
b.Privacy-preserving searchable encryption
Cloud vNext:The Emerging New Cloud Technologies