专题演讲嘉宾 :Chris Richardson

《POJOs in Action》作者,微服务专家

软件架构师,CloudFoundry.com 最初的创始人,微服务领域的领军人物。

Chris 创立了 http://microservices.io,一个描述如何开发和部署微服务的网站,经常为企业提供微服务方面的咨询和培训服务。目前创立了 http://eventuate.io,这是 Chris 的第三次创业。

演讲:Using sagas to maintain data consistency in a microservice architecture

时间:07月08日 09:30

The microservice architecture structures an application as a set of loosely coupled, collaborating services. Maintaining data consistency is challenging since each service has its own database to ensure loose coupling. To make matters worse, for a variety of reasons distributed transactions are not an option for modern applications.

In this talk we describe an alternative transaction model known as a saga. You will learn about the benefits and drawbacks of using sagas. We describe how sagas are eventually consistent rather than ACID and what this means for developers. You will learn how to design and implement sagas in a Java application.



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