Joel Pobar is a compiler, languages, and performance nerd from the sunny Gold Coast Australia. He currently works at Facebook as a Director of Engineering leading the client side performance teams.
Previously he worked on Facebook's HHVM JIT compiler, and prior to Facebook, worked on the .NET CLR team at Microsoft.
Joel Pobar 是编译器、编程语言和产品性能的资深专家。他来自澳大利亚的黄金海岸,现任 Facebook 工程总监,主管客户端性能的团队。
之前他带领团队开发了 Facebook 的 HHVM JIT 编译器,早些时候他在微软从事 .NET CLR 的开发。
HHVM JIT 编译器 Github 链接: Github
A few billion likes and a few hundred million photos uploaded a day. A hundred or so petabytes of queryable data and a handful of power hungry datacenters. And it's all humming while code is being written and deployed twice daily without our users noticing.
This talk will explore the "move fast" side of Facebook's software engineering culture: development process, organizational structure and the vast amounts of tooling we use to make sure we don't screw up.
We'll also dig into how we "ship things": release process, A/B testing, gate keepers, test infrastructure and so on. You'll walk away with a prospective of how we build software at scale, for scale.
一天几十亿的点赞,一天几亿的照片上传,上百个 Perabytes 的可搜索数据,数个大型数据中心,在所有这些安静高效的运转的背后,新代码在不断大量的产生,每天两次上线,平稳无误,这就是 Facebook 的软件工程!而在这背后究竟是什么样的工程文化呢?
这次分享将向你展示 Facebook “moving fast” 的工程文化。Facebook 以快著称,快体现在我们的开发流程上,体现在我们的组织结构上,体现在我们众多的工具支持上,有了它们,我们才可以做到快而不错。
我们还将深入讨论我们是如何 “ship things”,包括我们的发布流程、A/B 测试、Gatekeeper 系统、测试系统等等。相信听完我们的分享,您将会对 Facebook 是如何进行大型软件开发有所了解。